Executive & Organizational Assessments

We work with clients to clearly identify cognitive, personality, and occupational strengths and limitations. Our assessment process includes structured interviews, customized testing, applied research, and practical feedback to fit the needs of our clients. All data is synthesized and communicated in an accessible manner to best assist our clients in their decision-making process.


diversity & inclusion CONSCIoUsness evaluation (D.I.C.E.)

The DICE is an inventory that assesses an individuals level of multicultural competence. The DICE is rooted in empirical research. This assessment is practical and serves as a guide for leadership coaching and consultation.


The DIRE is an inventory that assesses an individual’s perception of their organization’s readiness related to diversity & inclusion progress. The DICE is rooted in empirical research. The DIRE is a practical tool that and serves as a guide for team coaching and consultation.

company culture assessment

The company culture assessment is a 360 degree assessment that entails structured interviews, surveys, and testing.

career + Talent assessment

Our career and talent assessments are used to assist with the selection, assessment, and management of talent.