Workshops & Training

We provide customized, informative, and engaging workshops to help enhance the cohesion and performance of individuals, teams, and organizations. We cover a variety of topics related to diversity, inclusion, equity, multicultural competence, resilience, well-being, occupational thriving, positive interpersonal relationships, and leadership.

brick by brick: developing sustainable de&I initiatives

This workshop helps teams and organizations discuss strategies and practices that co-create an inclusive and equitable work environment.

microaggression(s): recognition and response

This training is designed to help individuals recognize microaggressions and learn how to respond.

influence without authority

This workshop focuses on how to be an influential colleague when you do not have authority to make some decisions. This workshop is relevant for managers, workers, and technical leaders.

follow me: 5 reasons why they will and 2 reasons they wont

This workshop is focused on helping leaders understand key characteristics and considerations for leadership and followership. This workshop is derived from a forthcoming 2024 publication from Cedric Williams, Ph.D.

adaptive decision-making

This workshop is designed to answer the question “how do I make better decisions?” In this workshop we focus on the decision-making process. We take a multidisciplinary approach to address cognitive agility, time management, and interpersonal collaboration.